Brightidea Suggest
Crowdsource suggestions companywide and route them to the right decision-makers to review, evaluate, and take action.
Advanced Capabilities to Turn Suggestions Into Real Change
Use Brightidea Suggest to address a broad range of topics on an ongoing basis.

Submit a Suggestion With a Simple Email
Using a brand new setup wizard, employees can easily send their ideas to a single email address. They can also tag ideas with hashtags and add relevant attachments such as photos.

Ensure the Right People Stay Involved
Accountability for every idea can be enforced by tracking its progress from submitter to evaluator(s). This positively reinforces contribution of ideas and enables the best ones to be implemented more quickly.

Closely Track the Progress of Any Suggestion
The Pipeline dashboard enables the progress of ideas to be easily tracked from submitter to owner, streamlining its ultimate resolution.
Advanced Email Submission
Submit a Suggestion With a Simple Email
Using a brand new setup wizard, employees can easily send their ideas to a single email address. They can also tag ideas with hashtags and add relevant attachments such as photos.

Accountability Finder
Ensure the Right People Stay Involved
Accountability for every idea can be enforced by tracking its progress from submitter to evaluator(s). This positively reinforces contribution of ideas and enables the best ones to be implemented more quickly.
Workflow Tracker
Closely Track the Progress of Any Suggestion
The Pipeline dashboard enables the progress of ideas to be easily tracked from submitter to owner, streamlining its ultimate resolution.