Brightidea Transform
Source and research opportunities for the digital transformation of a business, developing the most promising for greatest financial impact.
Advanced Capabilities to Dramatically Improve Project Success
Use Brightidea Transform to provide structure in selecting the most promising projects.

Provide a Site to Evaluate Opportunities
With the setup wizard and design templates in Transform, it’s easy to set up a website for the submission and viewing of projects. The site can feature important information on the most promising projects, and automate all internal communication around them.

Collaborate on Business Model Evaluation
With its Business Model tool, Transform provides a canvas to visualize all the elements of a proposed transformation. The Riskiest Assumptions tool identifies and ranks transformation risks, from which you can set up a pipeline to test and work on reducing.

Measure Business Impact
With the Business Impact Tab and Dashboard, you can capture the projected impact from transformation efforts and see their potential realized over time. You also get a clear visualization of projected and actual impacts, making it easy to compare them all against targets.
Submission Microsite
Provide a Site to Evaluate Opportunities
With the setup wizard and design templates in Transform, it’s easy to set up a website for the submission and viewing of projects. The site can feature important information on the most promising projects, and automate all internal communication around them.

Team Workspace
Collaborate on Business Model Evaluation
With its Business Model tool, Transform provides a canvas to visualize all the elements of a proposed transformation. The Riskiest Assumptions tool identifies and ranks transformation risks, from which you can set up a pipeline to test and work on reducing.

Impact Tracking
Measure and View Transformational Impact
With the Business Impact Tab and Dashboard in Consult, you can capture the projected impact from transformation efforts and see their potential realized over time. You get a clear visualization of the projected and actual impacts, allowing you to compare them all against targets.